My Featured Art


BA. Fine Art CSM


BA Fine Art PV


Volcano Coffee Bar


2015 Art Work


From the very beginning I have been interested, obsessed by edges. I first became interested in painting the edges of the platforms at the Sydenham Hill Railway Station, Dulwich, SE21. It is actually in South Dulwich which causes problems for people who alight there expecting it to be in Sydenham which is quite a distance away. Also as I was a keen runner/jogger, I spent a lot of time looking at the ground so as not to trip over anything! This carried over to my project when I was studying for an Arts Foundation qualification at the City lit, in Covent Garden. I titled my project  “Groundscapes”. During the 5 year course at the CSM for a BA Fine Art degree I chose the Dulwich Picture Gallery as my external project. There I became interested in the shadows made by the Baroque picture frames of the paintings on its walls.

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